
Showing posts from July, 2010

The Popularity Of Alternative Health Medicine

If you have ever looked into alternative health medicine in the past, you are probably well aware that it is becoming quite popular. Although alternative medicine is probably never going to overtake standard medicine, the number of people using this method is on the rise. As you can imagine, more and more people are looking into alternative health medicine for a reason. For people who have tried standard medicine, with no success, alternative medicine is the next thing in line for them to try. So what is alternative medicine? Generally speaking, this is anything that is not a standard medical practice. For instance, oncologists have a standard procedure that they follow when treating cancer patients. Of course, they may deviate from this a bit, but all in all they have a standard protocol that they follow through with. If you are not interested in trying these standard practices, alternative medicine is the next best thing for you. Believe it or not, there are many people who will o

Benefits of Laughter Stimutates a Healthy Heart

The University of Maryland School of Medicine conducted more than one research study lead by Dr. Michael Miller on the merits of laughter for stimulating healthy heart function. In one study the group of researchers examined the body’s endothelium, or the lining of blood vessels. They documented how laughter caused the endothelium to generate an increase in blood flow which helps to stimulate improved heart health. Another of Dr. Miller’s studies also concluded laughter could help prevent heart disease. In fact, they found people who had heart disease had more serious temperaments and were less likely to laugh compared to those of same age who were free from heart disease. It is becoming more apparent everyday that daily stress leads to disease so it makes sense that laughter would simulate health. If you find you are having a serious day, or need to improve your laugh-ability you will find some help below. Learning to Laugh If you find you are in a bad mood, stop and think who your me

3 Reasons to try other remedies health

There is no end to the debate that rages on between purists who believe that drugs are the answer to all our ills and naturalists who swear that medicinal products are the main reason of all our ills.The former, while admitting that is better than cure, holds also firm belief it is necessary to go through the correct channels healthcare in order to get to the root of the problem which concerns and causes the last maladie.Ce however believe in a more natural approach, which eschews chemicals and other compounds that disrupt the natural balance in the human body and focuses on a healthy and holistic healing process is in no way synthetic. While I do not want to take advantage of one over the other, there are times when I believe alternative health remedies score higher than the traditional route used by most people, so if you are looking for reasons to go natural when it comes to health care, read on: Side effects are minimal: there is no doubt that the drug hasten and contributes to

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

When pregnant, women are reluctant to try on anything new, which hasn’t been tried, tested and above all proven to be safe for their unborn baby as well as their own selves. In the event they are likely to treat the concept of with at least some degree of suspicion. However, there are many that make a strong argument in favor of using chiropractic treatment during pregnancy, stating that the many internal and external changes that take place in a woman’s body during her pregnancy can be helped with chiropractic treatment. View the Original article

Better Red than Dead: How Pomegranates and Raspberries Can Help You Stay Healthy

I love pomegranates and eat them every winter; in fact, when other fruits disappear until the following summer, I know pomegranates will be there to satisfy that craving for something other than oranges, apples, and bananas. Punicalagins are found in pomegranates and are a tannic acid. Tannic acid is found in tea where everyone expects it to be, however, it is also found in many other foods and is good for many things. Punicalagins are hydrolysable tannins, which simply means that they react with water to form other compounds. They are large poly phenol compounds and have high bio availability. They are known to hydrolyze into smaller poly phenols such as ellagic acid in vivo, once they are inside you they do this, where they can then hydrolyze across the mitochondrial membrane of a human colon cell. Very impressive stuff, because both of these poly phenols have properties in human health that are truly beneficial. Phenols are the backbone, so to speak, of most of the antioxidants foun