Your Active Child: Is It Just Normal High Energy or Something More?

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Your Active Child: Is It Just Normal High Energy or Something More?It is totally normal for a child to be full of energy, very alive and to have a hint of mischief in their blood.

In some cases, kid’s can be really loud, unable to sit still, demanding and always after your attention. Many people would simply call this kind of activity as hyperactive or overactive.

Children who are overactive can really disrupt situations and are really difficult to keep under control. As a result, the child often receives attention in a negative way. It is important to keep in mind whether or not your kid’s behavior is normal for his/her age range.

When a child is five or six years old they are normally so full of energy that they find it difficult to sit in any one place for long. If this kind of behavior is still present at the age of eight it is developmentally inappropriate. More times than not, overactive behavior is not something that should be taken too seriously and is often something else entirely.

It will be important to work with your child in finding an activity that they can channel all of their extra energy into. Maybe you could try model building or if your child is less patient then something like soccer should do the trick.

One important thing that you can do, as a parent, is to keep your child’s life as structured as possible and make sure that there are clear boundaries for their actions. When they grow up they will likely benefit by becoming a secure and positive adult.

It is easy to mistake a child’s natural behavior for disorders like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). Things that can alert you to something like ADHD is impulsive behavior, inability to concentrate, restlessness and overactivity. If you notice any or several of these symptoms then talk with your doctor as soon as you can. They are likely to refer you on to a child psychologist.

Bipolar disorder often shows up in kid’s when they are in their early teens. It is a serious condition that should not be taken lightly and will likely need to be medicated for the duration of your child’s lifetime. Make sure that you get two opinions and ask questions about the medicine that the doctor is prescribing for your child. There can be many serious side effects and over medicating is very easy to do.

Make sure that you deal with your child’s psychological disorders while they are still young. If you leave these things untreated they can often develop into more major problems when your child reaches adulthood. It may even lead to your child having problems learning and dealing effectively with relationships at work and in their personal lives.

With ADHD, no single treatment is the answer for every child. A child may have undesirable side effects to a medication, making a particular treatment unacceptable. Each child’s needs and personal history must be carefully considered. It is important to work with a health care professional/psychologist to determine the safest treatment.

If all other options and avenues have been investigated, and prescription drugs are chosen for treatment, frequent follow-up visits should be scheduled to assess the response and to detect possible side effects. Children on medications should have regular checkups. Parents should also talk regularly with the child’s teachers, psychologist, and health care professional about how the child is doing.

Stimulants are not a cure-all, and families should be informed of healthy choices with regards to food, exercise, healthy hobbies, and friends. The best chances of minimizing side effects, is to use a remedy that is free of side effects completely.

Alternative Treatments

* Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies – A number of parents have tried natural remedies as an alternative to psycho-stimulants and other drugs. Small trials have found some agents, such as oral flower essence, Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, and melatonin may possibly have benefits for ADHD.

There are homeopathic remedies which effectively target some of the disruptive symptoms of ADHD and allow the child to concentrate more easily. Natural remedies should be considered as a first step ahead of prescription psychiatric drugs. When combined with strong dietary control, counseling as necessary, and a healthy lifestyle, natural remedies have been show to be effective in helping to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.

Focus Formula: Supports concentration and attention, while promoting normal energy levels in children and adults

BrightSpark: Homeopathic remedy relieves hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness in children

MoodCalm: Homeopathic remedy calms emotional outbursts and reduces mood swings

PureCalm: Aids nervous system in stress resistance for balanced moods, calm demeanor and feelings of well being

* Dietary Approaches. A number of diets have been suggested for people with ADHD. Various studies have reported behavioral improvement with diets that restrict possible allergens in the diet.

Parents may want to discuss with their health care professional, homeopath, or naturopath regarding implementing an elimination diet of certain foods or adding supplements that might help. This is a very individualized approach and would differ from child to child. Always consult a nutritional expert before restricting the diet of any child.

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