Sensory Integration and Ocd

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sensory integration and ocdOCD or obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychological condition that affects the everyday life activities of people who suffer from it. In this condition the person experiencing OCD will obsess over specific thoughts or actions and will usually have compulsive behaviors to help decrease their fears about the thoughts.

It is an interesting and devastating mystery that affects the lives of people who feel out of control in their feelings and behavior. The condition is psychological and not related to their actual thoughts and so cognitive type of treatment isn’t as effective as it is in other disorders such as some types of depression. Cognitive therapy does offer some relief but its best used with medication as well.

Sensory integration is the interaction of two or more sensory processes in a manner that enhances the adaptation of the brain. Its a involuntary process during which the brain puts together a picture of the environment at each moment in time using information from all of the senses available.

Difficulty with sensory integration often has symptoms that, behaviorally, can mimic obsessive compulsive disorder. These issues are either confused or occur together in childhood more often than as adults. Children more often have problems with sensory integration that becomes more apparent in the school systems and inability to function well within family relationships.

Sensory integration problems may present as difficulty with balance, changes in taste, smell, touch, sound and sight. As a result of insufficient neurological processing the sufferer needs a form of occupational therapy that will help to strengthen and integrate the different senses to help restore balance as possible.

Sensory integration and OCD can also be related when patients are diagnosed with OCD as children. Although the diagnosis of OCD is most common in older teens and young adults there are incidences of it occurring in children. Interestingly OCD can happen to children after having been exposed to streptococcal infections which most commonly cause strep throat.

In this instance there are some children in whom the bacteria cause the immune system to attack the basal ganglia. Once inflamed the body continues to see these structures as poison to the body and continues to attack. When OCD occurs after a strep infection the symptoms happen suddenly and at a much earlier age.

Children who experience the side effects of SI or OCD will exhibit other behavioral symptoms that indicate the depth of their sadness and potential depression. Those symptoms include hostility, aggression, anger, frustration, whining, silliness or wildly inappropriate gusto for life. Children recognize that they aren’t like other kids and often become intensely sad about their particular situation.

Children or adults with sensory integration and OCD deserve and need the support of therapists, physicians and their families. With the right therapy, medication and occupational therapy these individuals are able to find compensatory mechanisms to work through their challenges and find productivity on the other side.

MindSoothe is a specially formulated herbal remedy that has been successfully used in the treatment of Depression, Insomnia, OCD, SAD, Panic Disorder, and Anxiety. Being natural, with no artificial preservatives, MindSoothe is safe for adults and children (also see MindSootheJr. for children), is non-addictive and has NO SIDE EFFECTS.  It has become the formula of choice by thousands of satisfied customers around the world for treating depression, insomnia, anxiety, ODD and more. MindSoothe is pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards and was formulated by a Clinical Psychologist.

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