The Correlation Between Prostate Health and Sex
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, as is evident from the name itself, is benign in nature and a common condition among a large majority of men, usually after they cross the age of forty. Malignancy in prostate grows slowly and is contained within the gland in most cases. However, in many cases it can spread outside the gland too.
Prostate health and advancing age has a dual effect on the sexual capabilities of an individual. On one hand prostate medicine or other treatments like radiation and surgery can result in a side effect that is related to sexual capabilities. On the other hand, advancing age in its own right can decrease sexual prowess.
During or after treatment for prostate enlargement, men may go through a period when they face erectile dysfunction, which is an inability to retain an erection long enough to have sex. Other sexual problems include pain during sex, orgasms without ejaculation and a difficulty in reaching orgasm.
The main reason behind erectile dysfunction is considered to be the reduced flow of blood into the twin, spongy tissue-filled muscles that run through the length of the penis.
Further problems arise when the body starts responding again and men want to make up for the lost time and desire more sex than before. In addition the desire and inability to have sex work at cross purposes to lead to anxiety and low self-esteem. The physical and the psychological factors together make a deadly combination for further deterioration.
All the above mentioned factors have the capacity of building up tension in any type of sexual relationship. Marriages may be made in heaven but they have to be lived on earth. There are drugs and herbs for prostate enlargement that also address to this aspect of prostate treatment and should be explored. However, men can also take certain steps to ensure a healthy sex life even with a prostate problem at hand.
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