Nutrition, Alternative Health Products and Depression: Don't Feed the Black Dog!

Most of us have encountered depression in our lives - if not personally, then through the experience of a close friend or family member. With the advances in our understanding of the neurobiological basis for severe clinical depression, most people are unaware that mild and moderate depression (which is still quite painful to live through) actually has many natural remedies, alternative health products, herbs and nutritional supplements available to help get people back to normal functioning. Today we look at the top ways you can avoid 'feeding the black dog', with nutritional advice for those suffering from depression.

Stay Steady

Keeping your blood sugar steady is one of the keys to avoiding the little mood peaks and massive dips that you sometimes find in depression. Choose foods that are as natural as possible and low GI as natural remedies for depression.

Watch Your Protein

Research has found that your CNS serotonin levels are suppressed in response to excessive protein consumption. This doesn't mean you have to follow a low-protein diet while taking your alternative health products and nutritional supplements for depression - just make sure you stay within the recommended daily intake.


If you are a smoker or drinker, you probably have low B-vitamin levels. While these little molecules are found in abundance in all sorts of everyday food products (not just the ones that we consider to be the healthiest, either), B-vitamins can be destroyed by alcohol, refined sugar, caffeine and nicotine. Kick the addictive habits and ensure that you get enough B-vitamins in your diet.

Potential Food Allergies

Food allergies have the potential to give us low-level, chronic symptoms that health professionals find it hard to diagnose or put their finger on. Try an allergen-eliminating diet for a time - cut out dairy for a fortnight, wheat for a fortnight, etc, and see if your mood is affected.

Addictive Habits!

There are many, many foods and substances that are common in our society which also contribute to depression by creating little serotonin highs, followed by a crash and a decreased sensitivity to the neurotransmitter such that we need more and more of it. These include alcohol, caffeine (from coffee, tea and cola), as well as refined sugars.

Thyroid Support

There are quite a few amino acid supplements, herbs and other natural remedies that help support your thyroid function - hypothyroidism can be a major cause of depression. If you have too little thyroid hormone, your metabolism is slowed... this lack of physical energy usually has a flow-on effect in your life and makes you feel ineffective, out of control and worthless, but can all be fixed with just a little hormone.

Alpha and Omega

Low omega-3 fatty acid levels have been linked to post partum depression in women. According to David Kyle, the US director of the Mother and Child Foundation, several studies back up the idea that improving your intake of nutritional supplements, herbs and alternative health products with omega-3 fatty acids can help keep the black dog at bay.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST POPULAR website advertising companies on the web. Learn more about Alternative Health Products.


Shirley Donalds said…
Desiccated porcine thyroid is bound to deliver results in three months.There is no concern for addiction, and porcine thyroid can be taken with other prescription medicines.

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