Natural Remedies For Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Posted on Oct 28, 2010 | Comments 0

dark circlesIt could be a genetic reason why you have those dark circles under the eyes or it could be lack of sleep, fatigue, jet lag or stress that is the cause. However, there are ways and means to treat dark circles with these natural remedies you can try at home –

The humble cucumber is long known to have cooling properties. Thick slices of cucumber applied directly to the eyelids for about 15 minutes daily, can reduce puffiness and help reduce tiredness. Make sure that the cucumber slice covers the dark under eye area as wellCaffeine is known to reduce puffiness and reduce the appearance of dark circles. Use cool and damp tea bags and place them on the eyelids for about 15 minutes to help the tannin in the tea reduce the discoloration and puffinessPut a spoon in the freezer and pour water into the bowl. After the water has frozen in the spoon, place it on the dark circles.Pureed potato also seems to have a beneficial effect on the dark circles under the eyes. Uncooked potato, liquidized in the blender can be put on the eyes to have a soothing effect as wellRelated Posts with Thumbnails Natural Hemorrhoid RemediesEdema Natural RemediesNatural Remedies For Chest CongestionThe Dark Chocolate Increases The Attention SpanTreating Hypertension With Natural RemediesNatural Remedies For CandidaPosted in: Natural Remedies

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