
Showing posts from March, 2010

Getting Pregnant: Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle

Hormones run our bodies and the menstrual cycle is not different. They control the when an egg is released (ovulation) and when the lining of the uterus is shed (menstruation). Menstruation is necessary for reproduction and is considered the hallmark beginning of the reproductive years of women. When young women begin their periods the time is called menses and at the end of a woman’s child bearing years the period is called menopause. Many times women have questions about what is normal and what isn’t in their menstrual cycles. Sometimes, when trying to get pregnant women aren’t sure what is happening with their bodies, when they are fertile or if there is a time of the month that is more fertile than others. All women should have a basic knowledge of what is happening in their bodies to help their physician diagnose any problems if they come up. Your menstrual cycles are actually counted from the start of your bleeding of one cycle to the 1st day of bleeding of the next NOT from the ...

5 Ways to avoid the negative effects of plants

Written on: 09 09 December and filed under: grass There is no doubt that the herbs are beneficial in many ways, but they are not all the same. Herbs have been used since time immemorial as natural, alternative medicine to treat various diseases and relieve symptoms of diseases and subscription conditions. Most people believe they are better than regular medication and treatment methods because they have no side effects and are soft on the human body. But there is a side herb that we are not aware of the side that causes the disease and sometimes, same death.They may be fair plants, but they are forms of chemicals, albeit more natural from man-made variants see us drug réguliers.Et just as with regular medicine, we need to follow some rules so as to avoid causing harm to our body while ingéré herbs: Do not mix the herbs: Some herbs may be benign and beneficial when on their own, but when combined with others, they can form a powerful mix that could eventually prove have catastrophic ...

Post surgical healing plants using more

Written on: 11 March 10 and filed under: grass Joint surgery is not only as a medical emergency, but as an elective surgery in the case of plastic surgery. On a point of Booth Western surgery causes trauma to the body, and then operations are performed in the organization.Your organization has subsequently face deletion of anesthetics body trauma made the .in the case of many surgeries body, is the incisions that require attention, but in the case of surgery, as implants plays, trauma may include manipulations of the skin, muscles, and the OS. First your body goes into an inflammatory reaction and swelling and inflammation must be dealt with. Subsequently, scar tissue continues to pose and secure domains that are cut. It is customary rest and care appropriate to the injury. In Chinese medicine perspective there is a little more go here.Cut is regarded as a supply of good Qi flow in the body and the trauma is a stagnant qi and blood.In Chinese medicine, it is important to re-establish...

Coronary Heart Disease Symptoms, Heart Disease Causes

The term coronary heart disease is a broad term that covers a number of medical problems that have to do with the heart and the arteries and veins connected to it. Many people think they can avoid heart disease by improving their lifestyle but, in fact, it is becoming more common every year. In 2007, stats were released that show that coronary heart disease is the number one killer in the US. Some of the medical conditions that fall under the term coronary heart disease include: arrhythmias, valvular heart disease, cardiomyapathy, inflammatory heart disease, congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease. Each of these has their own set of heart disease symptoms. Nevertheless, many of the symptoms of heart disease can be similar. Some of the most common heart disease symptom are: Angina (pain or discomfort in the chest), sweating, shortness of breath, cyanosis, changes in the rate of the heartbeat, cough, dizziness, wheezing, ...

Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment, Symptoms

There are two different types of veins inside the leg. There are superficial veins, which sit just below the skin and are easily seen on the surface. These often are the ones that develop varicosities or spider veins. Then there are deep veins which are located deep within the muscles of the legs. Blood flows between the superficial veins and the deep veins through smaller veins, called perforator veins. Both superficial and perforator veins have one-way valves that allow the blood to flow in only one direction. Blood clots can form in either the superficial veins or the deep veins. When they form in the superficial veins there is very little risk that they will travel and cause problems in other areas of the body. They form, for the most part, along a track of vein that has become varicose because of the stagnation of the blood. The same is true for blood clots that form in the deep vein systems. They form because of the stagnation, the inability of the blood to move quickly, through ...

Where Can I Find Death and Birth Information

One of the things you look for when trying to trace your family history is people’s birth and death dates. You may be wondering where you can find this information. The truth is you may have some of it easily accessible to you. The easiest place to begin looking for death and birth information is your family Bible, if you have access to it. Bibles were often used for more than religious reasons. In times past, most families would write down important dates in the front or back so the information was preserved. Of course, not all families are religious or keep a family Bible, but that may be one place you can look should your family have one. If your family did attend church, you may be able to find some information through church reports. This is particularly helpful if your family went to the same church for a long period of time or if they were Catholic. They might record births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths of their members. Some families also keep important records such as birth...

Endovenous Ablation

Varicose veins develop when the one-way valve system that helps to move blood from the lower extremities to the heart is damaged. Blood will begin to pool inside the veins and cause unsightly blue and red tinged bulges as well as discomfort, pain and swelling. They occur most commonly on the legs but individuals can suffer from these swollen veins in the face, testicles, vagina and anus. Although they are not usually as threat to your long-term health, they can be painful and can cause ulcerations in the legs. One treatment option is an . The goal of the procedure is to shut down the vein using targeted heat energy. The heat can be created with a laser, also known as an endovenous laser ablation or with radio frequency is, known as a radiofrequency ablation. Both of these use the latest technologies and are a better option than vein stripping which was used for decades. The vein stripping procedure often was painful and was invasive. Both ablation procedures, using either laser or radi...

Facial Skin Care: How to Make a Homemade Face Mask to Combat Oily Skin

Share In facial skin care, oily skin is caused by over-productive sebaceous glands. Use a homemade face mask to combat oily skin with tips from a beauty editor in this free video on facial skin care. Expert: Jackie Your skin is the largest organ in your body. What you put on it can have a profound impact on your overall health over the long term. That’s why every ingredient in your skincare product needs to be carefully chosen … to feed your skin with essential nutrients. Did you know that many skincare companies only tiny amounts of certain active ingredients, just so they can add them to the label? Or that many popular and expensive skincare products can actually damage your skin? Isn’t it time to learn more about what a truly effective SkinCare Line SHOULD do and SHOULD contain? The natural way to beautiful, younger-looking skin…If you cherish your skin and want to put off the visible signs of aging … as well as nourishing your skin with the most effective, natural and safe produc...

Sleepwalking: Are You a Sleepwalker?

Sonmambulism is commonly known as sleepwalking, and although there have been plenty of comical portrayals of this sleep disorder this is a rare disorder that can greatly affect people negatively. People who walk in their sleep, commonly referred to as sleepwalkers, risk injury to themselves and the people around them, and have sometimes been known to sustain serious injuries during an episode of sleepwalking. There can be a variety of reasons why a sleepwalker walks while sleeping, and sometimes this sleep disorder can coexist with another sleep disorder. Sleepwalking is somewhat common in children, but as people age sleepwalking becomes more uncommon. Most kids outgrow the tendency to walk in their sleep, but for a few sleepwalkers this can be an ongoing issue. Sleepwalking may suddenly appear in adults during times of great stress and unrest, but there can be other reasons for the episodes. Sleepwalking varies in its details and instances. For many people, sleep walking is merely an ...

Menorrhagia or Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Menorrhagia is the medical term used to describe the condition in which there is heavy menstruation. Interestingly this is a symptom of an underlying problem but not the problem itself. There can be many underlying causes of excessive bleeding for women. A gynecologist, physician who specializes in the reproductive health of women, should be consulted to diagnose the problem. Diagnosis of irregular menstruation relies on several methods. The doctor will take a comprehensive history that will include questions such as: the age she started her period (menarche), how long the period lasts (days), how many days there are between periods, any recent changes in her normal monthly schedule, if she is sexually active, the date of the last pelvic exam, if she is pregnant or was recently pregnant, and if she is on birth control pills and what kind. The doctor may also ask the patient to keep a calendar of her bleeding history to keep track of any pain during the month, length of her periods, ble...

Hemorrhoid Prevention

Hemorrhoids are another form of varicose veins that occurs inside or protruding outside of the rectum. Varicose veins develop when the one-way valves in the veins are damaged and allow the blood to pool. This pooling causes the veins to become distended, causing itchiness, pain, discomfort and bleeding. This condition also doesn’t allow the body to remove toxins and waste products from the cellular structure effectively. In the case of hemorrhoids, the pressure builds when you strain to have a bowel movement, sit on the toilet for long periods of time or sit in the office for long periods of time. As with varicose veins in the legs there is also a genetic predisposition to the development of these varicose veins in the rectum. Those who know that family members suffer from this condition should take special precautions to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. There are three different types of hemorrhoids depending upon the location of the inflamed and swollen vein. There are interna...

Why Use a Menstrual Calendar?

Share Menstrual calendars are another part of keeping an overall health calendar that is important for women who want to know more about how their bodies are working, are trying to get pregnant or have been having menstrual problems. Keeping a calendar of your period will help your doctor to diagnose any problems and help you keep track of your normal cycles. You will be better able to avoid accidents, plan for a pregnancy, manage suspected menstrual problems and keep track of your emotional changes. In adults menstrual cycles are between 24 and 35 days but in the teen years and during menopause cycle days can be very irregular. A good rule of thumb though is that cycles shouldnt be closer than 3 weeks (21 days) and bleeding shouldnt last longer than 8 days. Your menstrual cycle calendar will help you chart these events and determine if a visit to the doctor is warranted. Your menstrual calendar should include a couple of important pieces of information the day of the month that you st...

Using herbs for different use of hair

Many hair can really make a difference and it is one of these intercultural beliefs had. Hair and its characteristics was an important link to genetics, however there are some techniques that we can do to help the different parts of our hair. Regular maintenance of your hair is a good starting point. Quality food is a good way to keep a good head hair. In Chinese medicine blood must be sufficient to feed the liver and body of the course.The blood is then able to nourish the skin and hair to gloss in the complexion and the cheveux.Aliments for help are red meat, leafy green vegetables, beet and blue green algae. Thinning hair is the most common complaint seeking traitement.Éclaircie hair may cause change hormones, age, birth and taxation (blood as explained previously liver insufficiency) beneficial .Herbes include: He Shou Wu / Polygonum Gou Qi Zi / Goji Berry Shu Huang Di / Rehmannia Yao Shan / Dioscorea It's common herbs used for disorders of the hair, although many of them are...

For previous herbs and throat pain

Pain are without a doubt complaint # 1 all patients seeking care. Unfortunately, most of the pain is very difficult to treat in Western medicine. Most of the pain are treated with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) on the counter as Asprins, ibuprofen, or a similar drug action Tylenol. More severe pain is treated with opiate addictive, dangerous, have some bad side effects, and are almost completely failed to address the nerve pain. NSAIDs have much fewer side effects, but the long-term use can lead to G.I. tract questions and ulcers. Of course, there are many reasons and needs for these Western analgesics. It is important to know these side effects and weigh the risks with awards to find out if you should seek alternative therapies. Fortunately, several procedures have become more mainstream in helping deal with pain. Alternatives may be used in conjunction with medications and many times they can change or eliminate the need for pills. Chiropractic care uses manual handl...

The importance of Healthy Fats in your diet.

Is there a reason that proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are considered of macromolecules, because all three of them are essential for us. No materials fat and low fat diets do rarely work because your body is against you. Because fats are essential if your organization is not any fat in the diet, it begins to maintain supplies, fat in the body. Inevitably, this will not lead to weight gain. In a good report and healthy fat really help aid in weight loss.Healthy as olive oil will stimulate bile flow to improve digestion and break correctement.Bonnes fat fats fats also contain cholesterol HDL (good cholesterol) which circulates throughout the body and to get rid of deposits of plate on the blood vessels. Your body also depends on vitamins and minerals to survive.Fat soluble vitamins use oils and fats in your food to get transported from the body to its destination, or to be stored. Without these good fats to carry and store certain vitamins you you lead to deficiency nutritional fat s...