Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Relief
by Juliet Cohen Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments known in both men and women. Hemorrhoids are common. In the USA, the prevalence is about 4.4%. Hemorrhoids are enlarged, painful veins in your rectum. Hemorrhoids develop from 2 different places. There are 2 sets of veins that drain the blood from the lower rectum and anus. It is estimated that approximately one half of all Americans have had this condition by the age of 50, and that 50% to 85% of the worlds population will be affected by hemorrhoids at some time in their life. Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women. The pressure of the fetus in the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes, cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. These vessels are also placed under severe pressure during childbirth. For most women, however, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a temporary problem. Hemorrhoids are itching, painful, or bleeding masses of swollen tissues and varicose veins located in the anus and rectum. Fortunately,...