Herb Remedies
Herb Remedies by Monica Nelson Herb remedies are made of natural substances that come from plants. Herbs have been valued throughout history. The Bible tells us Kings journeyed many miles to bring frankincense and myrrh as gifts for Jesus. Indeed the Bible makes references to herbal medicine. In Ezekiel, Jesus says "the fruit of the tree is for man's meat, and the leaves for man's medicine." Many plants have been found by science to have effects upon the body. One example is the bark of the willow tree. Years ago this bark would be steeped in hot water, the same way you would make tea. This hot drink somehow brought pain relief and helped to lower fevers. As time went by, scientists found that the bark of this plant contained something called salicin. This natural substance was eventually made into acetesalicylic acid, which is now known by the more common name of “aspirin.” This tree bark based home remedy is now the world’s top selling pain relief product. Not all h...